Crème Caramel

Creme Caramel Recipe
Crème Caramel, Easy & Quick Crème Caramel Recipe, Smooth & Creamy texture,

Caramel Ingredients:
8.8 oz/250g Sugar
1 tbsp Water
Pinch of CreamTartar(Optional)

1-In a saucepan, combine water,sugar, and cream tartar
2-Place it on medium high heat.
3-Once the sugar caramelize, gently swirl, do not stir
4-As soon as it turns dark golden brown, remove from heat
5-Pour into individual ramekin(custard) cups (Be careful it’s extremely hot)
6-Set the cups in a baking dish

Custard Ingredients:
6 Large Eggs Room Temperature
3.5 oz/100g Sugar
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
500 mL Milk