मुख्य विषयवस्तु में जाएं
सदस्यता लेकर हमारा समर्थन करें

Cappuccino Cake

कैपुचीनो केक रेसिपी
Ring 8″by 2″/20 by 5 cm

आटा सामग्री:
4 बड़े अंडे आरटी
4.2 oz/120 g Sugar
1 चम्मच वेनिला एक्सट्रेक्ट
15 mL Espresso
4.2 oz/120 g Sifted Flour40 Melted Butter

सरल स्वादिष्ट व्यंजन



1-Mix the eggs and sugar until it triples in volume and becomes fluffy
2-Add the vanilla extract and the espresso and mix until it’s well combined
3-Gently fold in the flour, adding it slowly
4-Add the melted butter and mix
5-Transfer the batter into the pans
6-Bake at 355Fº /180 cº for 20 minutes (Baking temperature may vary depending on oven)7-Let it cool
8-Syrup the cake and pipe with cream
9-Place in the freezer while preparing the Ganache
10-Pour the ganache over the cake until it’s fully covered
11- Decorate as you wish

भरने की सामग्री:
250 एमएल भारी क्रीम
0.7 oz/ 20 g Powdered Sugar
30 mL Espresso

1-Whisk the heavy cream, sugar, and espresso until soft peaks

गनाचे सामग्री:
10.6 oz /300 gMilk Chocolate
3.2 oz/90 g Butter
0.7 oz/ 20 g Corn Syrup

1-Heat the chocolate, butter and the corn syrup over a double boiler
2-Meanwhile, heat the heavy cream until it simmers
3-When the cream simmers, add it to the chocolate mixture
आनंद लेना!
