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Blueberry Moist Cake

Blueberry Moist Cake Recipe
Pan size 3.5” by 3.5”/9 cm by 9 cm

3 बड़े अंडे आरटी
7.1 औंस/200 ग्राम चीनी
150 mL Vegetable Oil
3.5 oz/100g Sour Cream
1 चम्मच वेनिला एक्सट्रेक्ट
2.6oz/60g Potato Starch
7.1oz/200g Sifted Flour
0.2 औंस/5 ग्राम बेकिंग पाउडर
1.8 औंस/50 ग्राम पिघला हुआ मक्खन
6.3 औंस/180 ग्राम ब्लूबेरी

सरल स्वादिष्ट व्यंजन



1-Mix on medium-low speed until combined, then add the sugar and increase the speed to high
2-While mixing, progressively add th oil
3-Add the sour cream and mix on medium low, then add the vanilla extract
4-Then add the potato starch, flour and baking powder, and mix, gradually increasing the speed to medium until well combined
5-While mixing, add the melted butter and blueberries, and mix until all ingredients are well combined
6-Transfer the Batter into greased pans and bake at 340 F°/170° C for 35 minutes (Baking temperature may vary depending on the oven)
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