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Tourte au poulet et aux champignons

Chicken Mushroom Pot Pie Recipe

Ingrédients de la pâte :
12.3 oz/350 g Sifted Flour
6.7 oz/190 g Butter RT
1/2 Tsp Ginger Root
1/2 cuillère à café de poudre d'ail
1 cuillère à café de sel
2 gros œufs RT
20 mL Cold Water

Recettes simples et savoureuses



Les étapes :
1-Stir flour, butters, salt, ginger root and ginger
2-Add the egg one at a time
3-Increase the speed to low and add water
4-Mélangez jusqu'à ce que tous les ingrédients soient bien combinés
5-Wrap it with plastic and place it in the fridge for 30 minutes
6-Roll the dough and transfer it in a muffin pan then press it down
7-Cut the excess dough
8-Divide into pieces
9-Scoop the filling and add parmesan cheese
10-Fold the edges to cover and egg wash it
11-Top with parmesan cheese
12-Bake at 375 °F/190°C for 30 minutes (Baking temperature may vary depending on the oven)

Ingrédients de la garniture :
30 ml d'huile d'olive
1.8 oz/50 g Butter
5 Garlic cloves
1 Cup of Chopped Green Onions
6 oz/170 g Sliced Mushrooms
17.6 oz/500g Cut Chicken Breast
1 cuillère à café de sel
1 Tsp Ginger Root
1 Tsp Black Pepper
100 mL Heavy Cream

Les étapes :
1-Placer une poêle antiadhésive sur feu vif
2-Add olive oil and butter
3-Add the garlic cloves and the chopped onions
4-Mix and add the mushrooms
5-Add the beef chicken breast
6-Mix and add the salt, ginger root and the black pepper
7-Finally add the heavy cream and mix well
8-Remove from heat and set aside
Profitez-en !

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