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Pastel de chocolate

Chocolate Pie Recipe

7.1 oz/200 g Butter
3,5 oz/100g Azúcar en polvo
1 huevo grande RT
1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla
10.6 oz/ 300 g Sifted Flour

Recetas sencillas y sabrosas



1-Mix butter and powdered sugar on low and gradually increase the speed to medium
2-Scrap the sides and the bottom, and add the egg
3-Añadir el extracto de vainilla
4-Por último, agrega la harina y mezcla hasta formar una mezcla sin trabajar demasiado la masa.
5-Envuelve la masa con film transparente y colócala en el frigorífico durante 30 minutos.
6-Roll the dough to a thickness of 1/8 inches and larger than the pan
7-Gently transfer it by rolling it around the pin and unrolling it over the pan, pressing it gently into the sides and center
8-Dock the dough and place it in the fridge for 30 minutes
9-Pour 3/4 of the chocolate mixture, and set aside the remaining
9-Bake it at 340 °F/170 °C for 30 minutes (Baking temperature may vary depending on the oven)
10-After removing from the oven, let it cool down for 10 minutes, then top the pie with the remaining chocolate mixture
11-Let it cool completely, then place it in the fridge for a minimum of 1 hour Place
Disfrute de

Chocolate Mixture
250 ml de nata espesa
7.1 oz/200 g 60% Dark Chocolate
1 Teaspoon Rum Extract
1 huevo grande

1- Heat the heavy cream to 160º F/70ºC
2-Remove from heat and add the chocolate while constantly stirring
3-Once the chocolate is fully incorporated, add the rum extract and the egg, mixing until everything is well combined
¡Que aproveche!

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